... it was with this idea that BAIS Legal was launched by Hester Bais in 2010. If the impact of the financial crisis on the legal profession has made one thing painfully clear, it is that the signature of a large, reputable law firm on a legal opinion is no guarantee and is cold comfort when things have gone awry.
BAIS Legal is modest in size, but the quality of service and work product it offers can compete with the Top 50 law firms in the Netherlands. BAIS Legal comprises and works with attorneys who have, themselves, previously worked for leading international and national firms. In that way, clients can expect no diminution in the quality of the service offered, but, in contrast to the service offered by the Top 50, clients can enjoy direct access to the decision-makers and strategic thinkers at BAIS Legal. Moreover, BAIS Legal's structure is such that the layers of "servicing" are stripped away, with clients assured that their work is being performed by those with the appropriate level of skill and expertise to do so.
The lawyers who work for/with BAIS Legal have a great passion for the law and enjoy their work. They are approachable and eager to help clients. They have in excess of ten years of specialised industry experience, making them a competent and worthy sparring partner. Clients can expect service par excellence, stripped of the unnecessary frills (such as a flash office presence in the Zuidas of Amsterdam or on Amsterdam's canals - and the hidden costs associated therewith) which add no real value for the client. That translates into high quality advice at a competitive price.
BAIS Legal offers quality, flexibility and transparency. No-nonsense is the key word.
Legacy and future
More than 25 years of experience in the financial (wholesale) world and as of 2014 whistleblower in respect of collateral fraud. Our book Worst Bank Scenario describes the blueprint that was rolled out in 2006/2007 and that led to the ECB's Transmission Protection Instrument in 2022 (until then called 'unconventional policy'), the new EU collateral management system (2007- November 2024) and the new multipolar monetary Distributed Ledger Technology system (by G20 called 'Bretton Woods 2.0' in 2008) that is almost ready.

The book itself is an indictment of reprehensible abuse of the financial system, accounting fraud, networkcorruption and eliminating the (countervailing) power with which unwelcome legislation or undesirable financial side effects are sidelined. I focus on the new world, based on transparancy, sustainability and fairness: combating (network) corruption/fraud and contributing to-/building ethical, sustainable, fair and secure systems and organizations. I am a 'new style' supervisor.
Read the whole story : In October 2008, Dutch banks needed EUR 200 billion in liquidity support.
Read the whole story : I wonder what NSC (Pieter Omtzigt ) will do :