It's great that we have taken over AmsterdamGold!
It's great that we have taken over AmsterdamGold! I once bought my first gold bar there.
Thanks to everyone involved, especially my partner Vincent Kersten and of course my understanding wife Daniela Palacios.
Of course, the selling party Value8 N.V., Remko Herschel and Gerben Hettinga.
With AmsterdamGold, Edzard van Engelsdorp Gastelaars and all the nice, new colleagues there.
And without our advisors, we wouldn't have done the deal: our lawyer Evert Hoekstra and our due diligence partners Joost Siemensma and
Niels Schrijver of SINCERIUS and Max Parmet and Scato Trip from Atlas.
It's been a great process. Can't see contracts and figures for a while, but it tastes like more 😊
Are you a customer or someone else with questions? Please let me know.

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