Adjiedj Bakas not only offers fully customized lectures, but also a number of ready-made lectures.
Ready-made lectures by Adjiedj Bakas
A lecture by freethinker Adjiedj Bakas is an experience. He brings hope and comfort to people. Anyone who has experienced it at an event can speak about it. The content of his story is optimistic, visionary and popular scientific. Since only the form makes the content compelling, the necessary attention has also been paid to the packaging of the message. Bakas is exuberant, and with his energetic performances and flamboyant ties he is the personification of the positive. GeenStijl calls him “the bird of paradise who is often right” and Rabo CEO Wiebe Draijer says: “he inspires and is very often right”. Adjiedj Bakas not only provides fully customized lectures, but also a number of ready-made lectures that are suitable for events that do not require customization.

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