Brilliant article on AI chatbots, a nice sign that 'power thinkers' and 'profit thinkers' are losing control of what is 'truth'.
Brilliant article on AI chatbots, a nice sign that 'power thinkers' and 'profit thinkers' are losing control of what is 'truth'.
The AI chatbots are owned by Big Tech such as @Microsoft and @Google who assume that they will remain in control of what is 'truth' in the AI era. The same as how they managed to control the 'truth' on search engines and social platforms: truth was simply for sale by the highest bidder. For example, pfiser paid them billions to determine what is "truth," according to the Twitter files. In short, this is all the information that increases their profitability. Whether it's about vaccinations, the climate, you name it.
And this is a big misunderstanding, it turns out. AI relies on all data, not just the misinformation that Big Tech and Big Pharma feed into the system. Hence, to quote this article, 'AI is known to sometimes spread misinformation, including through the infamous 'hallucination', where it begins to spread falsehoods'. This simply means that AI is coming to conclusions that Big Tech and Big Pharma are not comfortable with. As it turns out, AI can't lie. Shit, now what?
Their solution is to only fill a chatbot with their own garbage, not all the information. And this 'garbage-in-garbage-out chatbot' gives the answer that suits Big Tech and Big Pharma in 99.2% of the cases. And 20 percent of people fall for it.
Well done, nice try. But 80 percent do not fall for their attempts to believe the gossip stories about 'aliens, covid-19, the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 and the assassination of US President Kennedy in 1963'.
I find the statement by @Jan-Willem van Prooijen, 'endowed professor of radicalisation and conspiracy thinking' (who pays for this chair?), hilarious: 'In general, conspiracy theorists are difficult to dissuade from their point of view'. Yes, that's right, but that's because they're not conspiracy theorists but keep thinking for themselves. And not for sale like this Mr. Van Prooijen.
Mr. Van Prooijen of the University of Mnastricht, Mr. Bastiaan Rutjens of the University of Amsterdam and Mr. Stef Aupers of the KU Leuven - they are certainly not scientists - see 'opportunities to add Chatbots to social media'. This 'will require additional training'. I think so too, but this is not going to be successful. The genie is out of the bottle. The real truth always wins.

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