But what distinguishes a person as a true leader?
You are not a Leader if you only manage....
Everywhere we look, we see managers in countless organizations...
But what distinguishes a person as a true leader?
Many things that I can't mention in 1 post. 😉 So I'll start at the beginning.
🪞 The Mirror
I always talk about the mirror... The famous mirror that you regularly get in front of you when you are challenged.... In this mirror you only encounter yourself,
and how you deal with this determines you as a Leader.
A true leader inspires his team members to grow through his own entrepreneurship in self-reflection and introspection, not only in skills, but also in
personal traits and as a human being. From here he creates new Leaders.
🌱 Leaders Create Trust, Manage Managers
A powerful difference! Leaders lead the way, demonstrate the path, and inspire others to follow by creating trust. It's not just about coordination, it's about inspiration and
not just about completing tasks, but about bringing a vision to life. Managers ensure that current steps are taken effectively.
🚀 Going the extra mile...
A manager manages tasks, processes and teams within established frameworks and, above all, executes to a success. A leader goes further, forging an inspiring vision that spurs
the team to collectively achieve more than they thought possible.
🎯 Is being a Manager not enough?
Of course, not everyone has to be a leader, and that's fine. Every link and role in an organization are essential, but being a manager does not automatically make you a leader.
They are two different roles, each with its own value.
Do you want to transcend from manager to leader? Then it always starts with yourself... Every evolution, change, or movement you want to activate, starts with you.
With this insight, your journey to Effective Leadership begins!
🤯Too many inspiring quotes to choose from... And as mentioned, many other qualities that are crucial in leadership.
This quote had a lot of value for me in my journey in leadership!
👇Which quote inspired you?
#effectiveleadership #personaldevelopment #teamdevelopment #developingleaders

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