Help the boy, and the man will appear.
Help the boy, and the man will appear.
Personal leadership has changed my life. Not because it was easy. Not because I had all the answers. But because I confronted myself.
Help the boy, and the man will appear. A sentence that hit me hard when I first heard it.
Because how often do we strive for more, better, stronger... without really considering who we are and where we come from?
What I learned:
➡️ Behavior comes from somewhere. We don't just react to situations. Our beliefs, patterns and fears have an origin. Recognizing and understanding that is where growth begins.
➡️ Vulnerability is strength. For years I thought leadership was about control and security. But real power lies in recognizing your own process.
➡️ Responsibility changes everything. It is not the circumstances that determine your life, but how you deal with them.
You are in control. My game changer? I had every reason to reproach. From my traumatic and intense home situation I had enough ammunition to point fingers. To completely step into the role of victim.
But if I were to blame all misery, I must also blame the good. Because life is not black and white. I couldn't just blame the pain and ignore the good. I had to contain everything, not just with my head, but with my soul. Not as a calculation, but as acceptance.
That resulted in something big:
➡️ I stopped making others responsible for my life.
➡️ I took back full control.
➡️ I stepped out of the past and into my strength.
And this has already brought me so much:
✅ Rest in who I am, without always being quick-witted.
✅ Stronger relationships, by really listening and being present.
✅ Impact, because I can help others grow from real connections.
Personal leadership is not a trick. It's a process. A journey. For anyone who challenges themselves to grow: help the boy, and the man will appear.
Do you recognize this? Are you at such a point in your life? Send me a connection request. Let's connect and grow together.
#PersoonlijkLeiderschap #Kwetsbaarheid #Groei #Mindset #HighPerformance #Zelfontwikkeling

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