I still get the question from time to time: "Have you been to a concert since...?"
By facing the situation anyway, it can help people regain control and reduce anxiety.
I still get the question from time to time: "Have you been to a concert since...?"
Luckily countless times. The first time was perhaps a bit quick, a few days after the whole thing. It wasn't like: I'm going to look the beast in the mouth again and tackle my fear.
But I already had the ticket and had found it harder not to go. Then I had the feeling that I was really giving in to what I had experienced in Paris and I didn't want that.
Maybe this will help you too? It has been proven that when you repeatedly have a positive experience in feared situations, it can reduce your anxiety and increase your resilience.
Specifically in PTSD, it can even exacerbate symptoms when actively avoiding situations that can trigger anxious feelings.
By facing the situation anyway, it can help people regain control and reduce anxiety.
All this, of course, in consultation with a practitioner, because one situation is not the other. But what I did without any intervention from a professional is exactly what is described above, and it has helped me tremendously.
I am happy that I still experience a concert hall as a nice, safe place.

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