It was an honor and pleasure to host the XXXV Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers in the Netherlands
It was an honor and pleasure to host the XXXV Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers in the Netherlands.
We look back on a week full of inspiration with seventy astronauts from all over the world, students who participated in NL Moonshots '24, students who
attended the kick-off of the Vakkanjers with Queen Máxima, impressive speakers from the space industry and the premiere of my film Beyond, Ode to the Earth.
The reunion with my fellow astronauts and the shared passion for our planet made it unforgettable. Take a look at the highlights in this video.
NL Space Explorers Congress 2024 NSO - Netherlands Space Office Municipality of Noordwijk Philips Provincie Zuid-Holland André Kuipers Foundation KLM Royal Dutch Airlines European Space Agency - ESA amsterdam&partners City of Amsterdam Airbus Defence and Space NLR - Netherlands Aerospace Centre Decos Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin Het Scheepvaartmuseum Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club Vakkanjers Quest NL Space Campus Weekend van de Wetenschap Mojo Concerts