Kultursistema makes HUB168 | Ismène Elbers CLOCK Your Skills visible!
Kultursistema makes HUB168 | Ismène Elbers CLOCK Your Skills visible!
I was honored to be part of Creative Skills Week (hashtag#CSW2024) where roberto gómez de la iglesia
delivered an insightful workshop on "Mapping & Analysing the CCSI"! (Cultural Creative Sectors and Industry) It’s great to see this dynamic and the diversity,
value chain links, and impacts of the cultural and creative ecosystem.
Robert invited me 🙏🏽to become part of KULTURSISTEMA, in this way we as CCSI can be more visible in the world! 🌎
Check out my profile here: Kultursistema - Hub168 Ismène Elbers ↗ (https://lnkd.in/dvXw2xYC)
Kultursistema, is a platform dedicated to the Cultural and Creative Sector & Industries (CCSI). Together, we're committed to making a meaningful impact in the creative community!
Join Kultursistema and check the website.
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#CreativeEcosystem #ArtInAction #InnovationInCulture #CulturalIndustries #Collaboration #CreativityMatters #EmpowerCreatives #ImpactThroughArt
#JoinUs #ArtisticJourney #CulturalVisibility #IsmèneElbers#HUB168

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