Last Sunday was the day. The friendly match between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Driven, the real will to win, maximum focus, enthusiasm and fun
Last Sunday was the day. The friendly match between the Netherlands and Belgium. As a proud mobility partner of the Dutch Basketball team, Jan A. Hofstede and I were of course present to cheer on our top players under an excellent host of Adriaan Leyte. We were allowed to experience the whole day in the shadow of Adriaan, how cool is that!
And when you beat our southern neighbors (61 - 54), it tastes like more! That's what happened in the return last Wednesday.

Driven, the real will to win, maximum focus, enthusiasm and fun with each other, that has stayed with me. A nice parallel with our business at Zeeuw & Zeeuw Renault.
With no less than 16 Renault Group vehicles, we hope to contribute to our 'national orange pride'. Because they are great ones, every single one of them!
Basketball Team NL, thank you so much for this great experience!
#trots #betrokken #gedreven #enthousiast #winnen #Zeeuwenzeeuw #oranjeleeuwen #Basketball #winnen #focus #Clio #Megane #NewDuster

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