President Suriname receives delegation Richard de Mos
President Suriname receives delegation Richard de Mos
De Mos: "President pleased with our efforts to promote trade and to revive city (trade) ties."
Hart voor Den Haag believes that ties with Suriname should be strengthened. To map out the economic opportunities, a delegation led by Richard de Mos went on a fact-finding mission.
In that context, the delegation of De Mos was received this afternoon by the Surinamese president Chan Santokhi.
"After we have previously been received by various ministers, District Commissioners, companies and media , we were received with all due respect at the cabinet of President Santokhi
this afternoon," said delegation leader Richard de Mos, who states that the president has extensively informed the delegation about the many economic opportunities that lie in his country.
Declaration of intent with Paramaribo
The president was also very pleased with the efforts of Hart voor Den Haag to strengthen trade relations and town twinning between Dutch and Surinamese municipalities.
On Monday, December 9, 2024, the district commissioner of Paramaribo North-East, Mr. Ricardo Bhola and the delegation of Hart voor Den Haag, led by delegation leader De Mos, held a
conference on future cooperation and identifying joint (economic) opportunities between the cities of Paramaribo and The Hague.
First of all, it was established that there is a logical partnership, because the municipality of The Hague has a large Surinamese community of more than 50,000 inhabitants.
In addition, both cities have identified opportunities for their SMEs to flourish, making use of the mutual knowledge and experience of the local economic communities," says De Mos, who believes that
the friendly ties between the people of The Hague and Paramaribo deserve to be strengthened and developed.
Both parties share this insight and they agreed to start setting up a collaborative relationship. To this end, to the satisfaction of President Santokhi, a declaration of intent will be signed at the end of
this week. We have discussed the declaration of intent with the president and he has indicated that his cabinet will cooperate fully to convert the mutual intentions in the short, medium and
longer term, also depending on election results, into concrete actions.