One of the fastest growing flag states, with a strong presence in the Middle East, The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry’ has once again achieved the United States Coast Guard’s (USCG’s) QUALSHIP 21 status, marking 20 consecutive years that it has done so. The RMI is the only Registry in the world with such a long term safety recognition, the result, it says of a strong commitment to compliance, technical support and customer service.
“Compliance is very important to us as a registry,” commented Bill Gallagher, President of International Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI), which provide administrative and technical support to the RMI Registry.
“In today’s environment, owners and operators benefit from having an active and engaged partner by their side supporting them from not only the technical, compliance, and inspections side,
but also in having an active dialogue with global Port State Control (PSC) bodies.”
The RMI Registry has invested in building in-country resources across the world, including its Middle East regional presence in Dubai, to strengthen the Flag and Port State safety network.
“Our fleet operations and technical teams meet regularly with PSC authorities and representatives to learn, discuss, and work together,” commented Brian Poskaitis, Senior Vice President, Fleet Operations
“The RMI values the QUALSHIP 21 program and has sustained the highest level of compliance of any flag year-over-year.
Stakeholders that take this program seriously know that it drives compliance and improves fleet quality worldwide.”
In addition to 20 consecutive years on the USCG’s QUALSHIP 21 roster, the RMI Registry has this year achieved another significant milestone. In January 2024, the Registry achieved 200 million gross tons and over 5,600 vessels.
Of those vessels,1,341 are enrolled in the QUALSHIP 21 program, the largest contingent of any flag.
#RMIRegistry #MarshallIslands #QUALSHIP21 #USCG #SafetyRecognition #ComplianceCommitment #TechnicalSupport #CustomerService #InternationalRegistriesInc #PortStateControl #FleetOperations #MiddleEastPresence #Dubai #FlagState #MaritimeIndustry #GlobalCompliance #FleetQuality #200MillionGrossTons #5600Vessels #LargestContingent #MilestoneAchievement

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