The sound of silence...
The sound of silence...
Three weeks ago in Italy, during my visit to Ginger Lebbink on Sunday morning, I had a nice moment to be quiet.
To be quiet to reflect on the past week and look ahead to what was to come.
Rodin's Thinker....
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, Rodin's "The Thinker" is for me the symbol of reflection and vision.
In a world full of stimuli, we often forget the value of reflection.
What if we paused for a moment to explore our thoughts?
Reflection is a moment to let your thoughts flow, to let creativity arise and to make well-considered choices with vision.
Take time for yourself—even if it's just a few minutes, they're well worth taking stock.
Be surprised...
Who knows what inspiration will come to you in the silence!
Have a nice Sunday everyone and we wish you a lot of wisdom and success next week!
#Reflectie #Visie #PersoonlijkeOntwikkeling.

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