The year has just begun, and yet I nominate this documentary as the best of 2025. It is very well documented and convincing
The year has just begun, and yet I nominate this documentary as the best of 2025. It is very well documented and convincing. A must see for everyone who cares about our future.
The great quality of this documentary is that it is based on facts, following international developments on all continents around the world for almost 100 years. Over that century some major global changes have happened, including - but not exclusively - the fall of the Sovjet Union, the credit crisis, and the Covid-19 crisis. Over this period the importance of WEF had significantly increased as the global powerhouse of elite political and business leaders.
One of the threads in this documentary is the visionary mind of Klaus Schwab to patiently establish a New World Order as the 'best way to lead the global reality by a political and business elite'. I do not at all agree with his global elite perspective, which I have dubbed in my book Society 4.0 the 'Elite Reset Society', yet Schwab made many smart strategic moves to reach his objectives. An important part of his strategy was to USE regional and global crises to his benefit, such as the fall of the Sovjet Union and tensions between Greece and Turkey, and to CREATE global crises such as Covid and global warming. Even leading to (by many people accepted) mainstream concepts as the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
In my 2021 article in the Clingendael Spectator 'How Great is the Great Reset of World Economic Forum' ( ( I criticized the WEF's Great Reset strategy, arguing that it serves the needs of the elite only. As an alternative vision I introduced the 'Glocal Citizens Society', servicing the needs of ALL people on the planet.
One other critic on the WEF vision is Elon Musk. Although being the richest man on the planet, and therefore by definition a member of the elite, in this documentary Musk refers to 'The Elite Overreach', pointing out that the WEF plan fails when the elite does not include the interests of citizens. Most of the elite are just not able to handle much power and money and start misbehaving. Example of misbehaving rich in the documentary are Bill Gates and Larry Fink. And since there is no democratic feedback at the global level with 40,000 undemocratic ngo's, a citizen's revolution will emerge soon.
The clash between the 'Elite Reset Perspective' and the 'Glocal Citizens Perspective' (Society 4.0) has already become visible in the United States, not only with Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy as fighters for American citizens, but also Elon Musk. He is currently the richest man on the planet and the business leader in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The future of our children and grandchildren depend on the (real) objectives of the 'Three Musketeers' Trump, Kennedy and Musk. They will mark the 'Final Showdown' of our Society.

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