This week i had the pleasure to issue the Certificate of Appreciation for 10 years of service to Pierre-Jean Person who joined 14 July 2014 as a Nautical Inspector.
Bravo Pierre-Jean et felititacions pour tes 10 ans.
This week i had the pleasure to issue the Certificate of Appreciation for 10 years of service to Pierre-Jean Person who joined 14 July 2014 as a Nautical Inspector.
Nowadays PJ wears multiple hats in or forour organisation, technical queries, IMO delegation, audits, safety inspections on cargo ships and yachts are keeping
him occupied in- and outside his home-office in Nantes, France.
As a native French speaker he liaises with PSC in France and some African countries.
He is dedicated to resolve and while holding on to rules and regulations he applies pragmatism to achieve a satisfying result for all.
With a large part of the fleet being gas tankers and the development of gasses as ship's fuel PJ will remain occupied as Senior Technical Specialist, Gas Ships.
We celebrated and hope to continue to do in the future.
Bravo Pierre-Jean et felititacions pour tes 10 ans.