Today is the day: you can make an impact on someone else's life!
Today is the day: you can make an impact on someone else's life!
From 16 to 22 September is the Week of the Stem Cell Donor.
Stem cell donors are people who, through their willingness to donate, offer hope to patients with life-threatening diseases such as leukemia and other blood diseases.
In this week, we want to call on everyone to think about the importance of stem cell transplants and the role you can play.
It's an opportunity to raise awareness and spread the message that every donor counts.
Even if you are already a donor or are still in doubt, know that your decision can save lives.
Take some time this week to think about the impact of your choice to become a donor.
If you don't dare to become a donor, there is all respect for that of course, you can already make a big impact by transferring €1.
How can you contribute? Write €1 in a comment and I'll send you the link in a DM.
Ricardo Kesteloo and I will leave next Friday to pick up via Italy and Ginger Lebbink at Lake Como and then leave for France and conquer the Col du Galibier next Tuesday.
Theme of this year's run: FRATERNIZATION
Join us and be part of this important mission!
Let's make a difference together!
Jos van Bree Peter Mourad Mathieu Fluit
#sevensummitsforlife #Matchis

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