When did you take your first step towards your goal?
For announcement.
When did you take your first step towards your goal?
"The first step is always the most important!"
This sentence goes exactly to the heart of my mission "Seven Summits for Life".
By setting the goal of conquering Seven Mountains of the Tour du France for Matchis Fonds Stamceldonatie running, I have taken that crucial first step that the quote talks about.
At the start, I could not foresee how many people I would reach, how many donors I would recruit and that more than €64,000 has already been raised by asking only €1. But now, with two mountains behind me, I know that every step counts.
With five mountains to go, I stay focused.
On February 4, "World Cancer Day", I will announce the next and 3rd mountain.
The invisible becomes visible, and the impossible becomes possible.
In every deep valley there is a high peak!
Together we make an impact for the good of the other! see link : https://www.ordayone.com/sevensummits
#SevenSummitsForLife #Matchisstamceldonatie #Inspiratie
Mathieu Fluit Gert Jakobs Sonja van de Reep

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