World Boxing continues its pathway to keep boxing at the heart of the Olympic Movement.
World Boxing continues its pathway to keep boxing at the heart of the Olympic Movement.
Together with WORLD BOXING Secretary General, Simon Toulson, we had an important first formal meeting with key representatives of the International Olympic Committee.
During our conversation, the IOC made it clear that the new boxing IF to partner with the IOC must operate to the high standards of governance, transparency and sport leadership and will require the support of National Federations. Only then could the IOC consider including boxing in the Olympic programme for LA28.
This message was not only for World Boxing but for the entire Olympic-style boxing community. Those NFs that really want to secure the future of our sport, must take action immediately and start working together with World Boxing towards the goal of keeping boxing Olympic.
World Boxing is very grateful to the IOC for its continued perseverance and commitment to boxing. We welcome the commencement of this formal dialogue and look forward to working closely with the IOC and all stakeholders to develop a pathway that will ensure boxing is on the programme at LA-2028 and beyond.
#TimeForWORLDBOXING #KeepBoxingOlympic

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