For the past 20 years I have been focussing on how to create a world in balance. I believe we all have a purpose in life and we all can contribute to a better world through our own unique capabilities. I find it important to discover, preferably from a young age, what makes you unique and how these skills can contribute to a better life and a more balanced society. Currently, I am focusing on creating selfsustaining homes in mini-communities: areas where people can live in freedom and where they can eat from their own food, drink from their own water, use energy from their own energy sources and enjoy life in beautiful ecologically built homes and natural surroundings. Preferably, there will be a school in each area for children and a centre for body, mind and soul development in order to contribute to inner balance in a practical and down-to-earth way.
Early life and education
Focussing on sustainable projects for the last 20 years. Studied Business Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Career trajectory
Holistic Living Estate, we are committed to providing our clients with a holistic and sustainable living experience. Our mission is to create a community that fosters wellness, harmony, and balance. We aim to achieve this by offering innovative and eco-friendly living solutions that cater to the unique needs of each individual. Join us in our journey towards a healthier and happier future!
Unique Architecture :
Embrace the future of sustainable living with our thoughtfully designed eco-friendly residences. Each home is a testament to modern architecture and green innovation, featuring energy-efficient designs, solar panels, and eco-conscious materials. Enjoy a harmonious blend of comfort and sustainability in your own sanctuary.
About me :
Inspire and enthuse people to restore balance in the world together through speaking, advice, music and inspiring projects. That is what I stand for and stand for. I am married and we have a beautiful family together. I graduated as a Business Administration at Radboud University in Nijmegen. Since 2000, I have explored Sustainability, especially in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), from different perspectives. As a development worker in Ghana, as a CSR advisor for boards and management teams of multinationals (such as ING, Campina and TNT) and SMEs, as a business development manager of large-scale solar energy plants in various countries, as a CSR manager, as a researcher and as author of the book 'Natural Leadership', in which 20 prominent leaders speak about CSR and leadership and as co-founder of United by Passion, a foundation that invites Dutch people to live from their passions and thereby create a more sustainable society .
I follow my intuition, where 'no-guts-no-glory' is my motto. This open and curious attitude creates wonderful things, such as: * become a ceremonial chieftain in Ghana; * being the founder of the largest rooftop solar energy system in the world; * being the founder of the Leadership Forest, in which leaders such as Al Gore and Wubbo Ockels have planted their trees; * being the author of the book 'Natural Leadership', in which leaders such as Princess Laurentien and CEOs of HEMA and Nuon, among others, tell their stories. About 80 times a year I am on stage (music, speaking) for an audience of 50 to a few thousand people. I combine my insights in the field of sustainability, realizing sustainable projects and music as a speaker, as an advisor and project developer.