A Personal Journey Through Learning & Engagement
Learning is a constant in life. Whether we realize it or not, we are always learners.
But the way we experience learning shifts dramatically depending on where we stand—first as a learner, then as a trainer, then as a leader, and ultimately as a coach.
Looking back, each phase has shaped the way I see engagement, motivation, and growth. Here’s what I’ve learned at each stage of the journey.
The Brain Needs Space!
Ismène ElbersArts & Cultural Coach & Consultant
It’s like a computer that needs after lots of upload to download and delete the garbage bin en get a refresh or an update.
So, for me, making art is essential. It goes beyond creating beauty; it's a way to connect with my inner self.
As a highly sensitive person flooded with ideas, art provides the peace I need to express my emotions.
We are proud to be the main sponsor behind Feyenoord Basketball!
This Saturday, February 15, the team will take on Windrose Giants Antwerp at home in an exciting match.
Help the boy, and the man will appear.
Rogier StamNeurocoach en high performance trainer (Elite sports / Leadership)
Personal leadership has changed my life.
Not because it was easy.
Not because I had all the answers.
A long day of work? Your back protests. Climbing stairs? You feel your legs. And that number on the scale?
Peter BlommaertDirector Marketing & Franchise
A long day of work? Your back protests. Climbing stairs? You feel your legs. And that number on the scale?
That only seems to go up, even though you don't eat differently.
From the age of 40, you will lose muscle mass every year if you do nothing.
Your Future at WakahChan
Bart GeutjesCEO & Entrepreneur
Imagine waking up to the sound of birds, sipping coffee on your terrace, and stepping outside into a community where nature and modern living go hand in hand.
Smart Investing, the podcast #59:
Colin GroosChief Capital Officer at BOTS
How do billionaires really become rich?
Michiel and Jesse delve into the different investment categories and analyze how they
have performed in the past, what the current potential is and which categories offer the best opportunities in the future.
Politie moet schadevergoeding betalen voor valse beschuldiging
Casimir VinkDirector & Lawyer
De rechtbank Den Haag oordeelde onlangs dat de Politie een schadevergoeding moet betalen van zo’n 185.000 euro aan een man, die vals wordt
beschuldigd van het pinnen met de pas van iemand anders. De man meldt zich na het voorval direct en blijkt ook onschuldig te zijn, maar het kwaad is dan al geschied.
Monday Master Blog: Physical training programs a smart investment for employers!
Peter BlommaertDirector Marketing & Franchise
As an employer, you want to get the best out of your employees. Productivity, motivation and low absenteeism are essential for a healthy and successful company.
From 1 to 3 buildings with a smart! Have you taxed a mortgage-free home heavily in #box3?
Jan Jaap GeusebroekLawyer
Three times as much rental income, lower costs and a growth strategy without excessive tax burden.
Build smart real estate?
It's great when organizations register your story and you can use it for free as a speaker. A present!
Ferry ZandvlietKeynote speaker, author
It's great when organizations register your story and you can use it for free as a speaker. A present!
However, I'm trying to get some more recent images to appear higher in the search results.