Bruce Bongers is an exceptionally driven Operations Manager with an eye for detail, people skills and a great drive for closing deals.
Early life and education
Bruce started his career in the Logistical branche in which he stayed for several years. After finishing a few educations within this branche, developing a highly disciplined mindset and feeling for accountability, the urge for something more became more and more clear, but what?
Career trajectory
As an early worker in life, there was a necessity to earn money. The further he went the more became clear he had more going on than just being an early worker. After a few educations in the logistical branche and climbing the ladder, the skill to handle people in a way they feel comfortable and wanted to work with him became more clear.
These skills did not go unnoticed. A close friend who was active for a real estate agency which mainly focused on flexible office solutions for companies learned a position was coming available and they asked him if he knew someone who could fill the position.
Bruce got a call, if he would be interested to take on this challenge with the skill set he possesses.
He would never know, if he did not try. So he jumped right in!
When he got used to this new branche, all the new job terms, people, locations etc. his people skills would get their time to be tested.
After just finishing an introduction sales meeting, a possible new client came walking in. With no other colleagues available, Bruce started the viewing with the knowledge he had and the people skills he possessed. He learned as long as you are willing to listen to what is needed and try to find a personal connection, you already have a head start! The first deal, in his second week was a fact!
These became the building blocks for his on going career in real estate.
Legacy and future
Bruce wants to be remembered for the warm person he is in private and business spheres, the disciplined and structured mindsets he applied on his daily to do's and his ability to always reach out with an helping hand.
Here we see Bruce with close friend and mentor Michel Maljers enjoying a drink at an opening party of a restaurant in Rotterdam.
Bruce has a strong believe in making every relationship count.
This picture shows a combination of 4 guys with total different backgrounds and lives, finding each other through a network of people who want to help and support each other.
Michel Maljers - Serial entrepreneur | Ilias Atmani - Lawyer | Bruce Bongers - Real Estate advisor | Armando Versteeg - Accountmanager