Caroline Loogman-Kraak is a Dutch Entrepreneur Born and raised in the Netherlands. She is hard working person and widely interested.
Early life and education
She raised up in the Netherlands in a small village near to Amsterdam. She followed highschool in Amsterdam from 1989 until 1993. Her secondary education from 1993 until 1997 was in Amsterdam as well. After that she have had her own Beauty Salon. From 2000 until 2020 she had her own company together with her husband in selling, packaging and export/import in potatoes and French Fries.
Career trajectory
During her live and career she conquered so many challenges that she now knows that 2024 will become a whole new start in her career for the future. There are so many things that she wants to do. She can not wait for it!
Legacy and future
In the future she will have her own companies again in two different varieties.