Allow me to introduce myself a product of the relentless entrepreneurial spirit that runs through my veins. From the tender age of eleven, I found myself immersed in the world of business alongside my father, a true entrepreneur and owner of a vibrant beach club. Under his guidance, I learned the intricacies of conducting oneself with grace and respect, both in the professional and personal realms.
My journey began with the humbling tasks of washing glasses and welcoming guests. As the years unfolded, I gradually ascended the ranks, eventually taking charge of the bar and later assuming the role of bar manager. In my final year, I ventured into organizing events, targeting diverse audiences and testing innovative concepts a venture that proved immensely successful.
Complementing my practical experience, I pursued and completed my studies in Business Management and Sales at the prestigious IVA Driebergen. Yet, my education extends beyond formal institutions. Life has been my greatest teacher, and the lessons learned while making deals and fostering win-win scenarios have been invaluable.
Hard work has been my constant companion since a young age, instilling in me an unwavering discipline and an insatiable ambition for growth in every aspect of life. I firmly believe that complaining is a luxury I cannot afford, and I am driven by the philosophy that challenges are opportunities in disguise.
Through the highs and lows, one lesson stands out prominently the transient nature of wealth. The most valuable currency in life is not money; it is the enduring worth of strong, loyal, and intelligent individuals. It is this lesson that guides my every interaction and decision, ensuring that I prioritize relationships and values over temporary material gains.
I am not just shaped by experience and education but a testament to the resilience instilled in me by a lifetime dedicated to hard work, continuous learning, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence. Together, let us embark on a journey of growth, collaboration, and success, for I am not just an entrepreneur; I am a man of values and a believer in the enduring power of genuine connections.
Early life and education
As a young boy in high school, my entrepreneurial spirit was already evident. From directing people to a scooter shop for a percentage, to selling energy drinks discreetly on campus, I saw business opportunities everywhere. This knack for commerce persisted throughout my education.
After completing my studies at IVA, I discovered my strength lies in marketing and sales. With a childhood friend, I co-founded a digital marketing company that continues to thrive without my direct involvement. However, my passion for the physical world led me to my current role as a Partner in a prominent European construction company.
In this position, I connect with new clients, listen to their needs, and transform their aspirations into reality. Day by day, my strength and fulfillment stem from making these connections and turning visions into tangible results.
Career trajectory
Legacy and future
I won't pretend to be the perfect entrepreneur. In the past, I've had a few failed ventures, experiencing the harsh realities of entrepreneurship firsthand. Even when my bank account held only a few euros, my room was filled with unsold inventory, and rent was looming around the corner, I continued to laugh and fight for my goals. In hindsight, I am profoundly grateful for these experiences; they have shaped me into the entrepreneur I am today.
Shaped by the lessons of both failure and success, I have finally found my destined path. Together, both literally and metaphorically, I am building impressive collaborations for everything related to construction. Whether it's investments requiring renovations, plots waiting to come to life, or structures in need of demolition, I am here for you. My journey, marked by resilience and gratitude, propels me into a future where I contribute to transformative partnerships and continue to build a legacy that goes beyond individual success.