My name is Edward van Wilgenburg. In recent years I have worked my way up in the world of ICT to my current position of final responsibility for sales and marketing at The DOC. Born and raised in Rotterdam, where I was brought up with the Rotterdam mentality. I am direct and always full of respect for the people around me.
Early life and education
In recent years I have fulfilled several commercial roles with suppliers, resellers and distributors.
Career trajectory
After my employment with my last employer ended, I started to rediscover myself again and, with the help of my coach, I redetermined which direction I wanted to go in, both professionally and privately. This journey to the innermost part of myself has taught me a lot so that I can now really feel happiness through a higher consciousness.
Legacy and future
The goal I have set for myself is that I want to be of value to the people around me, both privately and professionally. I would like to be remembered as a committed and loving person who has always been there for the people who need it in attention, wise advice and in thinking about possibilities.
Michel Maljers, Pascale-Renée Cohen, Jaap van der Welle, Wim Kalkman, etc.