Society singer and entertainer Ger Vos has been working professionally in the top segment of the entertainment world worldwide for over thirty years. Ger is a much sought-after artist, often outside the press and media. Ger is involved in organizing events that are at the intersection of top entertainment and networking at the highest level imaginable. His field of work is spread all over the world and regularly organizes performances and major events in Asia, Monaco, Marbella, Austria and Switzerland. In addition to the diversity of activities for which Ger is committed throughout the year, he is also an ambassador of the Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation. Ger selflessly provides performances for KiKa, Support Casper, Free a Girl and the lonely elderly, among others.
Early life and education
It all started very easily. “I've had a passion for music since I was 12/13,” says Ger. 'I grew up with the music of Elvis, The Platters and Tom Jones. I thought that was beautiful music myself, although my peers probably thought differently about it.' At that time, Ger also liked to work with his hands and he joined a model making club. One of the planes he built hangs beaming in his studio. However, at that model building club there was also someone who played the guitar. You probably understand, Ger was sold and songs were rehearsed together with the guitarist and his two brothers. This resulted in the founding of Index in 1984. “My first performance with Index was in Zuidland,” Ger remembers. 'Formerly the Town Hall, afterwards known as Blessing. We also performed in the Gouden Leeuw in Heenvliet, with only six songs in our repertoire.' Ger's passion was so great that on Tuesday evening he traveled from Nunspeet, where he was stationed as a conscript, to Zuidland especially for the rehearsals.
Career trajectory
Dutch Hollywood Until the 1990s, the band performed with great success in Spijkenisse, Rockanje, Brielle, Zwartewaal, etc. Many had Index at their wedding party. They may have been known locally, but not nationally. Ger, who had followed carpentry training at the LTS, went in a different direction. Until his friend Jos signed him up for the RTL4 program Hollands Hollywood. Ger was linked to Gerard Joling, who regularly invited him to parties. "That's how I came into contact with a completely different world." For example, Ger was asked how much it cost to perform in Marbella because it was the person's wife's birthday. “Uh, if you pay my expenses, I'll come for free.” Nowadays he employs a personal assistant and everything is very professional, but it took some getting used to in the first few years. By working hard and delivering quality, I have always stayed close to myself. Ger indicates that he owes a lot to Jos and Annemieke. He met the latter during a gala for the Clinic Clowns. 'She then came with Ernst Daniel Smid, who made his comeback with me in November during the Feeling Good Tour.' International career He now travels all over the world. For example, one week he will be in Switzerland, the next week he will have a performance in Belgium and a week later he will board a plane to Thailand for a society meeting with the world's greatest. By combining his singing career with entrepreneurship, Ger, in collaboration with his own team, can offer clients exactly what they want. His firm belief is that you achieve the best results through sharing and collaboration. Ger believes in 'He who does good, meets good'. The Golden Generation Ger has a soft spot for the elderly and often volunteers for this group. 'I enjoy performing for this target group and seeing how people enjoy themselves. And if they can't come to me, I will go to them.' He is therefore a well-known presence in the various nursing homes in the region.
Legacy and future
Feeling Good Tour
I sometimes feel like a musical Robin Hood,” says Ger when he talks about his Feeling Good Tour, which was in the Nieuwe Luxor in Rotterdam for the tenth time last year. The Feeling Good Tour focuses on a good cause, the lonely elderly. The combination of business, sponsors and a thousand paying guests makes it possible to invite six hundred lonely elderly people every year for a completely catered evening out for free. 'Six hundred elderly people, that's 12 coaches.' The guests come from Greater Rotterdam and are picked up by luxury coaches, which of course also take them home. In the New Luxor they are welcomed with music and tasty snacks and drinks. Ger goes back in time especially for the elderly with fantastic recognizable sing-along songs. “We mainly invite people to these concerts who can no longer go out much.
Large orchestra
At the big performances, there is always a live orchestra. 'That involves a significant investment, but I am willing to pay for it. This makes the concert an experience for everyone to remember.' In recent years, Ger has been accompanied by the Symphonica in Rosso orchestra during the Feeling Good Tour. For several years now he has been collaborating with Maurice Luttikhuis, conductor of the Metropole Orchestra and The New Symphonics, who is also accompanying him this year. Ger always makes a guest appearance at the concerts in the New Luxor. Margriet Eshuijs, Lee Towers, George McCrae and Oscar Harris have already been guests. Last year they were Marco Bakker and Ernst Daniël Smid. After the concert there will be an afterparty with live music. The afterparty is now one of the largest networking events in the Rotterdam port city. There is ample opportunity to meet business relations while enjoying a snack and a drink. So top-level networking. 'It's quite difficult to get the right people around you and create the right spirit. That's what I try to achieve with my music.' The next edition of the Feeling Good Tour is on Monday, November 27, 2023.
Looking back on the past 40 years, Ger can only conclude that he has achieved his childhood dreams. He enjoys the beautiful moments he experiences. Yet he still has one wish: he wants to try again to fill Ahoy. For more information about Ger Vos and his performances, visit www.gervos.com. Videos can be found on his YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/c/GerVos