I am a recovered salesprofessional transformed into an Executive Coach with a passion for human potential within organizations with a trackrecord in involving people in change. Coming from a professional background in marketing & sales I have integrated my own personal growth in my approach. People praise my respectful leadership in transformational processes within organisations. I understand ‘the corporate’ and/or business language. My curiosity brought me on a path of getting a better understanding of the deeper inner drives and boundaries of the people I work with: Human beings working in a living learning system. My daily practice (1 on 1 therapy/ coaching conversations and team-interventions), research for my thesis, an upcoming book and further education have given me the possibility to grow in my way of working.
Early life and education
A bit more about me
I was born and raised in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The Catholic, Burgundian and especially hospitable south. ‘Just do it’. That shaped me in the basics.
At home it was all about praying, working and music. The religious, together with music, shaped me in being able to linger in silence, enjoying music and a good book. My trumpet in the living room among my books are silent witnesses of that time. On the other hand, being together with loved ones and a good glass of wine a good conversation. The early death of my father taught me early on that life is not engineerable.
Work led to a 16-year ‘corporate career’ at home and abroad. The world where change is the norm. I was able to find a place for myself in that world that has made me still enjoy operating as a team coach in the corporate world.
Independent since 2000, in 2005 an insight
‘My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you, - are you there?I have returned, here I am again. [C.G. Jung Red Book]
The above text touches me every time and is a guide in my daily life. The said insight has taken me on a journey. My own ‘Hero's Journey’ (Joseph Campbell). Now a learner in, and enjoyer of, life.
Since the insight in 2005, I have taken courses within the philosophical and psychological tradition of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). On my journey, I have immersed myself in the currents of Wilhelm Reich, Eric Berne, Bert Hellinger, Stanislav Grof, Ken Wilber, James Hillman and Harry Rump.
All this led to a Master's thesis at the Jungian Institute entitled ‘Boundary as a guide in the individuation process’. That thesis is the fundament for my upcoming book around that theme.
My experience in short
In the fields of Interpersonal
• As a common thread throughout my life is my compassion for the human potential. His infectious capacity to enter deep conversations with people through creating trust. Unleashing the capacity of the ‘heart’, in the world where people tend to push ‘hard’.
Sales/ Organization / International
• Bringing people and their personal capacities together and building organizations and distribution channels. From the position of sales/marketing management. In the field of commercial introduction of international products and services, telephony and data communication network sales.
Career trajectory
Therapist, Leadership & Executive coach, facilitator, trainer
's-hertogenbosch | 2000 – present
• Coaching people in top-level positions in a wide range of industries including energy, finance, ICT, and manufacturing. CEO’s and senior executives opt for me as a coach/ therapist because of the combination of depth, warmth and the pragmatic approach.
Vice President Sales Large Accounts, South-East Netherlands
KPN Telecom (Management Development Task) | ‘s-Hertogenbosch | 1998 – 2000
• Change project: from Regional to business-line oriented. (€150 MIO EB & €15 MIO
General Manager
KPN Telecom Kiev (Management Development Task) | Kiev, Ukraine | 1996 – 1998
• Creating trust internally and externally (market, government) in order to expand
activities, co-chairman of privatization process UkrTelecom.
Regional Business Manager Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Unisource Business Networks (Management Development Task) | Rotterdam | 1996 –
• Transformation & ‘in-sourcing’ Nedloyd Telecom into Unisource Business Networks
Area Sales Manager South-East.
Unisource Business Networks The Hague | 1992 – 1996
• Transition of sales-organization from ‘Classical Telephony’ to IP-based business
Legacy and future
Bringing more heart in personal lives and in organisations where the tendency is 'working hard'.
Since 2008, I have been coaching individuals, couples, teams at a deeper layer in the form of (team) coaching and (relationship) therapy. What I do at the deepest level? Looking, listening, feeling and experiencing with heart and soul. People already work so hard; where is the heart?
Because of the type of my work, names of companies, individuals are protected under the code of ethics connected to my profession. My work takes place in the domains of people in top-level positions in a wide range of industries including energy, finance, ICT, and manufacturing.