CEO Marcel Melis is knowledgeable about the hedge fund industry and has a history of success.
He is known as being reliable, entrepreneurial and responsive to customer inquiries.
Marcel Melis has a proven track record in raising assets and selecting hedge funds.
Marcel’s MGI family office has a significant hedge fund and real estate exposure.
Marcel has one of the widest networks globally and can provide access to a wider range of funds than would be available to others or funds that may not be available to the average investor.
Marcel often travels Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East to work with our partners.
He has over 25 years’ experience at BP, Statkraft, Reliant, DELTA Energy, Energy Capital Management /MMT Energy Fund and MGI.
He holds his MBA from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands) and FINRA licenses 22, 82 and 63.
In 2006 Marcel founded Energy Capital Management (AuM $150 ml) to manage the MMT Energy Fund until 2010.
In 2010 Marcel founded MGI to serve as a global distributor for a selected group of best-in-class hedge funds.
Career trajectory
Marcel Melis is knowledgeable about the hedge fund and real estate industry and has a history of success.
Marcel's MGI family office has a significant hedge fund and real estate exposure. Besides that his company MGI is a third party marketing firm which specializes in the alternative investment arena with a particular focus on hedge funds.
All MGI distribution fees are invested in funds. MGI acts as an independent liaison between investors and best in class fund managers.
- We work with a network of over 3000 investors who are mainly located across Europe, USA, Asia and the Middle East.
- We work with pension funds, insurance companies, banks, wealth managers, fund of funds, family offices, foundations, consultants and HNWI.
- We are selective with the hedge funds that we are adding to our platform and only work with about 10-20 managers.
Our focus is to assist our investors to identify high quality funds that match their searches and assist managers growing their assets under management.
With our global network, including partner consultants, we are well positioned to assist both investors and hedge fund managers across the globe.
Our managers and investors appreciate that our Family Office also invest its own money.
We raised about $1 billion for about 20 funds since our start in 2010.
MGI is licensed by the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets (AFM) and is supervised by the AFM and DNB and registered across Europe.
In the U.S.A., securities are offered through our business partner Young America Capital, LLC, a broker-dealer registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”).
Legacy and future
“Marcel Melis Over Vastgoed, De Politiek en Hedgefunds” - Podcast met Marcel Melis
Marcel's MGI family office has a significant hedge fund and real estate exposure. Besides that Marcel his company MGI is a third party marketing firm which specializes in the alternative investment arena with a particular focus on hedge funds.
All MGI distribution fees are invested in funds.
We raised about $1 billion for about 20 funds since our start in 2010.