How nice that you're checking out my profile. Do you want to stand out and grow your brand online? We've got it covered.
Together, we'll work on powerful texts and a digital brand that grabs attention, builds authority, and grows online—leveraging LinkedIn, digital branding, and content marketing.
I know what it takes to establish a strong digital presence for your brand. For over 10 years, I've been creating digital brands, online marketing campaigns, and impactful content, particularly for brands in the financial and legal sectors, as well as for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to share their stories online.
I also post weekly about topics such as organic growth on LinkedIn, writing online content, and digital branding. Thanks to my extensive experience as a writer, I've turned my right brain into a true idea factory.
Check it out!
Early life and education
As the third generation of an entrepreneurial family, I knew one thing for sure: I would also enter the business world, preferably in something related to marketing. With a father as an enterprising intermediary and a mother working at an advertising agency, this was a real boyhood dream.
As a little boy, I was already passionate about writing and language, from French and German to Latin and Greek. In high school, I did everything to expand my knowledge of language.
But what do you study when you have such a love for language? In the end, I chose a double major in Law & Business Administration. After all, as a lawyer, you do nothing but interpret and explain texts. And in Business Administration, I naturally gained the most energy from subjects related to marketing and communication. Still, foreign languages always intrigued me. That's why, in my spare time, I taught myself Spanish. Qué genial!
In addition, as an editorial member of the Juridische Faculteitsvereniging Nijmegen, I advocated for the communication and promotion of the faculty. As a sharp-reading jurist and marketer, I was often involved in content-related tasks. As an author for the Beursbengel, I wrote multiple articles for the insurance industry. Life as a text writer was a reality.
Career trajectory
At the end of my study, I conducted a comparison of all cyber risk insurances in the Netherlands. This became the foundation for Poliskraker: an online policy solution for intermediaries, including the Adfiz Clarus Disability Insurance (AOV) module. Entrepreneurship was a reality. After a few years of running my own business, it was time to experience corporate life as well.
As a proposition manager at Achmea, I finally learned the ins and outs of the marketing profession, not to mention the insurance industry. For the brands Centraal Beheer and Avéro Achmea, I was responsible for proposition development and promotion of the AOV product. I also served on the editorial committee for these two brands. In these roles, aspects such as management, content creation, strategy, marketing, and communication emerged as crucial facets.
Every day, I worked on insurance propositions for Entrepreneurial Netherlands. It was here that the passion and ambition grew to make a direct contribution to the growth of Entrepreneurial Netherlands. How? By independently assisting companies in establishing strong brands, creating creative campaigns, and writing refreshing stories.
Currently, as an interim professional and co-owner of two digital agencies, I dive daily into challenges in the areas of online marketing, branding, and entrepreneurship.
By the end of 2022, I was primarily responsible for a large-scale PR campaign for Schouten Zekerheid: Together Risk-Conscious. From the communication plan and outlining the digital journey to complete content creation—everything was included.
Intensive, but above all, so exciting to do:
🚀 10+ entrepreneurs stand out weekly with impactful and inspiring posts on LinkedIn through the use of LinkedIn ghostwriting. Result: over 1,700,000 views in 2023 alone;
🚀 Wijn & Stael is aiming for a fresh, digital brand with weekly content on LinkedIn and their website;
🚀 Mobiele Units inspires internationally, and nationally, with striking social media content about their innovative solution;
🚀 The guys from maatwerk-kast.nl are pursuing their own online proposition to stand out on every online channel.
How do we achieve this together? It can be done in the following 3 ways:
1. Coaching (1:1)
2. Creating content together
3. I handle all your content
Legacy and future
I ventured into entrepreneurship to bring joy to people. Whether it's a striking text that they proudly showcase online or a new brand that we launch together: I derive energy from their happiness and shared euphoria when we achieve successes.
And that is exactly what I want to be remembered for. A true wordsmith and entrepreneurial creative spirit who you could always call for inspiration and the coolest ideas.
The end result is a portfolio filled with content, brands, and campaigns. From the insurance and legal sectors to the brands of young, ambitious entrepreneurs:
- Masterthesis
Thesis on the quality of service of the Dutch intermediary (attachment)
- Poliskraker
Website: https://www.poliskraker.nl
- Beursbengel
Article on how to turn Gen Z into brand ambassadors
Article on my masterthesis
- Centraal Beheer
AOV Webpage: https://www.centraalbeheer.nl/zakelijk/inkomensverzekeringen/arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering
The new Collective AOV proposition for which I wrote the PARP and established the entire product online: https://www.centraalbeheer.nl/zakelijk/inkomensverzekeringen/arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering/collectieve-aov
- Avéro Achmea
The Collective AOV for which I, as a proposition manager, was involved in the full rollout under the Dutch intermediary: https://www.averoachmea.nl/collectieve-arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering
- Schouten Zekerheid
The whitepaper 'Samen Risicobewust' that I co-wrote with the management (attachment)
The landing page I built with the CRM marketer: https://welkombij.schoutenzekerheid.nl/samenrisicobewust
- Wijn & Stael Advocaten
As a content marketer, I am jointly responsible for all digital content with colleagues: from the LinkedIn company page to the blogs on the website
- Signa Agency
An online marketing agency that helps companies develop, implement, and execute marketing strategies to improve their online presence, increase brand awareness, and generate leads. You can find several exciting projects on our website www.signa.nl
- Ghostwriting Agency
For entrepreneurial types who want to stand out and grow on LinkedIn. More about this proposition can be found on our website https://www.ghostwritingagency.nl.