Put It On Media generates content from our team and members across worldwide trending topics such as politics , financials , sports, real estate, automotive, healthcare, fitness etc.
It is not possible to completely exclude A.I. in the making of the creative process on Put It On media because today the use is inevitable in some form or another, every element of submitting content to Put It On media Each editor of Put It On media is responsible for ensuring that anything submitted to Put It On media meets our policies, guidelines, standards & best practices, and that any claims made about it are save and accurate.
Content issues:
Any computer tool used to generate content should be applied with care, since they can produce material that is biased, non-verifiable, constitutes original research, violates copyrights or plagiarizes, or does not comply with other policies or guidelines.
Conduct issues:
Persistently introducing computer-generated content in violation of Put It On media policies and guidelines will be considered disruptive editing and can lead to a block from further editing.
Algorithms to create promotional or hoax drafts that looks superficially good, but are actually not upon closer inspection.
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