All posts by William
DUTCH CLEAR is seen in HEALTH SOURCE MAG Posted on August 18, 2024

by: Economic Insider Staff August 17, 2024 Business By: Joshua Finley

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Source : door William Goossens Waterontharders met ZOUT, dat is FOUT.WAAROM DAN? NIET MILIEUVRIENDELIJK Bij een waterontharder met zout spoel je gemiddeld 70 tot 150 kilo zout weg. Dat komt in ons afvalwater terecht. Je verspilt vaak 70% van jouw drinkwater, met het zogenaamde regenereren, het spoelen met zout. Er zijn wereldwijd ruim 771 miljoen mensen die geen toegang hebben tot schoon drinkwater dan kunnen wij ons drinkwater toch niet zomaar wegspoelen.

RESEARCH This laboratory research from 2021 once again shows through scientific evidence that the hardness of water can be strongly influenced by magnetic radiation. Below is an explanation of both the summary and the conclusion. Everyone can convince themselves of the scientific evidence. 2021: Effect of magnetic field on calcium carbonate precipitated in natural water with predominant temporary hardness. RESUME This work evaluates the magnetic treatment efficacy of natural water that can be classified between medium hard to very hard water. To this end, the effects of the magnetic water treatment (MWT) were studied on the properties of the calcium carbonate precipitates detected in most of the water and on the surfaces in contact with water. In particular, MWT leads to an increase in the mass of the bulk deposit and to a reduction in the mass of surface deposits (on the order of 60 and 40% for medium and high hardness water) compared to that for non-magnetized water. In addition, the positive effect of MWT was also verified after 14 days. Introduction Limescale deposits from natural water often lead to numerous technical and economic problems in industrial plants and household appliances by blocking water flow in pipes or restricting heat transfer in heat exchangers (Legrand and Leroy, 1990). Since the beginning of this century, various chemical or physical treatments have been proposed to reduce limescale. Because the use of limescale inhibitors changes the water composition, they should be avoided for drinking water distribution. Therefore, physical treatments can be used because they do not change the drinkability of water. Magnetic treatments in particular have attracted a lot of attention for more than 100 years. Conclusion The series of experimental results shows that any water with certain chemical-physical characteristics requires the optimization of a series of parameters designed to reduce the mass of the deposited carbonate and increase the size of the calcite crystals, characteristics that allow easy removal making calcite from surfaces.

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Erna Truijens
Entrepreneur @ Sportspullenbank
Everyone communicates, not everyone connects I am an inventive project leader in the field of social innovations. I like to be at the heart of society and work effectively together on current themes. I am a typical starter and stimulator and always know how to create the right atmosphere with humor and fun. I see possibilities in every situation and know exactly what I want and how to achieve it. I am seen as someone who does not hesitate to call things as they are in order to introduce innovation. “Sports is so much more than that hour of exercise at the club. It is participating in society, belonging, feeling fit and cheerful and of course staying in good physical condition. This can be done at an association, but this can also be done in the neighborhood, on the square. Then you do need sports equipment. And that is precisely where the challenge lies for many more people than we think. And the lack of sports equipment should not be an obstacle to exercising and therefore participating in society in this way, right? Exercise and participation should be possible for everyone “We are the Sportspullenbank Nederland” and we remove an obstacle by collecting and distributing sports equipment to those who cannot purchase it themselves. The Sportspullenbank Nederland collects second-hand sports clothing and materials and makes them available through social organizations to people who do not have enough money to buy things themselves. By reusing existing and available items in this way, we also contribute to a sustainable economy.

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Entrepreneur @ Frans Derks
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Entrepreneur @ 24/SALES®
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Rob Heilbron
Entrepreneur @ Heilbron Marketing
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Jan Hogendoorn
Entrepreneur @ CPM Real Estate
Over 11 years ago we made the decision to move to Curacao. From that time we have been working hard with our company Curacao Property Management. From this position we soon had to deal with rentals and sales of the homes we manage. Partly due to the years of sales experience and knowledge of construction and real estate we decided to offer our services as a real estate agent, which we have been doing successfully for 9 years now. Every day we dedicate ourselves with passion and enthusiasm to all your housing needs. We help you so you can take your desired step on the housing market. We like to walk a little faster than the rest and give our clients the attention they deserve. We understand that people make the difference and that we don't sell a house, but a "home." Would you like to invest in a vacation home in Curaçao? Investing in a vacation home is a great way to build extra equity. You can make money by renting out the house and possibly sell the property with a capital gain. However, it is important to keep an eye on the risks, such as high maintenance costs or a deteriorating housing market. It is possible to only rent out the home, but you can also buy the home (partially) for your own use. Before investing in a vacation home, it is important to pay attention to the location, the condition of the home and the type of home. This is because these things influence the return. [] Are you ready to invest in a vacation home? Then you can always contact CPM Real Estate []to see what is possible. Talk to one of the advisors or check out the website to see the current range of vacation homes.

Raz Isac
Entrepreneur @ Hola
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Frits Huffnagel
Entrepreneur @ City Marketing
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Jan-Joris Bernaards
Entrepreneur @ Blents
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Henny Huisman
Entrepreneur @ Henny Huisman
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