2025 will be a massive year for WORLD BOXING
2025 will be a massive year for WORLD BOXING.
We started it with productive working sessions with the IOC in Lausanne. I’m proud of every member of our team who participates in these sessions and dedicated their time to
working on the many topics that help secure boxing's place in the Olympic Movement. These working sessions are crucial for World Boxing, and we are thankful to the IOC for this opportunity.
Also World Boxing continues to grow its membership. This process is constantly ongoing, and I believe we will soon announce new countries joining us on our pathway.
Our team is also working hard on financial stability and sponsorships. In 2025, we will definitely make significant progress in these areas.
One of the key goals for the next 12 months for World Boxing is to continue delivering top-level competitions for boxers and fans. We are looking forward to our first World Boxing Championships for Elite Men and Women, which will take place in Liverpool, England, as well as the World Boxing Cup series, culminating in the World Boxing Cup Finals in New Delhi, India.
Follow World Boxing's mission, and let’s work together to change boxing for the better!

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