Entrepreneurship is Top Sport
Received a request from a group of entrepreneurs from Zutphen to give my presentation 'Entrepreneurship is Top Sport' as a speaker on Wednesday 14 November
and to act as a host to give a kickstart to newly established business club.
With my story about entrepreneurship and top sport, I tell anecdotes and backgrounds from the Linde era, the special years as Technical Director/assistant trainer at Achilles'29 and how to proceed.
They amaze and entertain any company. Interesting for target groups such as business associations, business clubs of sports/football clubs, students, schools, etc.
Call me on 06- if you want to know more about this, or if you are also looking for an appealing guest speaker!
#spreker #gastheer #presentatie #ondernemers #ondernemerschap #ondernemersverhaal #businessclub #zutphen #regio #winwin #samenwerken #delinde #toekomst #ondernemersvraag #bemiddelen #oplossing

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