From superfood to wake-up call
From superfood to wake-up call
The news was full of it yesterday.
The recent discovery of contaminated Polish blueberries is a wake-up call for the food industry and consumers.
As we garnish our granola with these antioxidant-rich powerhouses, the question arises: Do we really know what's on our plates?
Food safety is not a luxury, but a necessity. This incident shows that even healthy ingredients pose risks due to failing quality control. What do you think, is it time for a reset in the food industry?
Are you aware of what foods do to your vitality? My body was out of balance and I became sick, deathly ill.
Tip: Choose consciously, take our Balance test, buy locally and stay critical! Healthy eating starts with conscious eating.
Want to know more? Send me a DM and discover your physical imbalance!
I'm going to enjoy my homemade granola with blueberries. Enjoy your meal!
#GezondEten #vitaliteitje

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