In this episode, we dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and investing with a special guest: Marcel Melis.
Listen to the Hendriks and Hendriks podcast
In this episode, we dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and investing with a special guest: Marcel Melis.
As CEO of MGI B.V. and a visionary in alternative and real estate investments, Marcel has built an impressive career, raising over $1 billion for innovative hedge funds.
Currently, he invests all his money in the hedge funds he has selected.
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, an ambitious starter, or just curious about the secrets of the financial world, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and inspiring stories.
Watch the broadcast on or via Youtube
Or listen to the Hendriks and Hendriks podcast via spotify! 🚀
#Ondernemen #ondernemerstips #ondernemerschap #marcelmelis #aandelen #Crypto

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