Paul Buitink discusses the housing market, Amsterdam, social rent and Hugo de Jonge's Affordable Rent Act with Coen Teulings
How does the housing market work and is there a housing shortage? Paul Buitink discusses the housing market, Amsterdam, social rent and Hugo de Jonge's
Affordable Rent Act with Coen Teulings, university professor at Utrecht University. Teulings has a different view on the popular adage 'build, build, build'.
He disputes the statement that new construction is lagging behind housing needs and explains why in this episode.
He explains the logic and mechanisms behind high housing prices in a city like Amsterdam and is very critical of social housing policy, such as social rent.
Teulings explains why he believes this policy is undesirable. What is the role of a modern city? According to Teulings, we should have no illusions: cities like Utrecht and Amsterdam are simply reservations for highly educated people.
He has little good news for the people who are currently struggling in the housing market... According to Teulings, Hugo de Jonge's Affordable Rent Act means that cities like
Amsterdam will eventually only be accessible to people with wealthy parents. According to him, Hugo de Jonge has destroyed the rental segment. Finally, they discuss the role of the ECB, inflation and debt.
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