Paul Buitink talks to emeritus professor of Geosciences Klaas van Egmond, affiliated with the University of Utrecht and the Sustainable Finance Lab
Paul Buitink talks to emeritus professor of Geosciences Klaas van Egmond, affiliated with the University of Utrecht and the Sustainable Finance Lab.
Klaas wants a better balance between public and private relationships. The current system with too much of a role for banks is pro-cyclical and inherently unstable and unfair. It costs taxpayers tens of billions a year.
We are waiting for the next crisis, which Europe cannot handle. That is why Klaas wants Europe to take the power of money creation away from banks.
Paul discusses the disadvantages of central money creation and further expansion of the euro and EU.
They also discuss Bitcoin, CBDC, corruption, the need to make society less complex and the future of the EU and the euro.

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