Young people need to exercise more!
Young people need to exercise more!
Last Saturday I was a guest at the radio show of Radio 1 - WNL in the Kantine together with John Vis. We have been able to tell Fidan Ekiz and Wieger Hemmer what we do with Loopbaan Lounge and De "boksende" coach.
It was far too short to tell everything, but we will probably come back to tell you more about this. We were able to talk about what happens when young people don't exercise enough. We were also able to share what happens when John gives the boxing coaching lessons to the young people...
Also had very nice conversations this evening with Marcel Verreck, Marleen Derks-de Werk about health, young people and psychology.
#radio #bewegen #gezondheid #mentalegezondheid #beteretoekomst
Listen back the radio interview :

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