All posts by Cor
The art of speed reading and better remembering As a business administration student, Cor would have liked to save more time by mastering the art of speed reading and better memorization. Over the years he has developed as a coach in the field of personal effectiveness, in which the brain and boxing play a major role.

Last Saturday in October 2024 I was a guest at the radio show of Radio 1 - WNL in the Kantine together with John Vis. We have been able to tell Fidan Ekiz and Wieger Hemmer what we do with Loopbaan Lounge and De "boksende" coach.

Instrutor Colosso, echte naam Cor van Drieberge. Hij is in 2009 begonnen met Capoeira. Voordat hij begon aan capoeira, deed hij Kyokushin Kai Karate. Hij wilde al heel lang capoeira leren. Na zijn karate avontuur besloot hij om dit te doen en is hij in 2018 begonnen met les te geven.

Personal details
June 13, 1986
Brain and Boxing Coach - Training coordinator
Masters of Science in Business
Office name
Cor the Coach
186 cm