What a wonderful day it was on Thursday in Amsterdam.
Ferry ZandvlietKeynote speaker, author
That I can still call this my job, almost ten years later, what a gift!
New corruption scandal in European Parliament
Put It On Media newsContent Collector
Raids on Huawei lobbyists
Luxury trips, exclusive gifts and possibly even cash in exchange for support for tech giant Huawei.
It is an opponent that you do not see, but you do feel
Rogier StamNeurocoach en high performance trainer (Elite sports / Leadership)
A silent saboteur, who makes us less sharp, less creative and less resilient.
Art & Soul is all about discovering your true strength and beauty.
Michael R. MaljersCEO & Founder Put It On
Art & Soul is all about discovering your true strength and beauty. There is so much passion, love, strength and beauty in every person.
We will work with you in our photo studio to create the most beautiful portraits of yourself, so that you see yourself in a different light.
Op een dag kijk je in de spiegel… en je herkent jezelf niet meer.
Katinka TrompSEO Art & Soul, entrepreneur
En dan dringt het door: Wie ben ik, los van alles wat ik doe?
Misschien voel je het.
Dat vage, knagende besef dat je jezelf ergens bent kwijtgeraakt.
We had a good meeting with #Egyptian #PrimeMinister #Madbouly
Cyril WiddershovenGeopolitical disruptive thinker
Egypt is very well located to be the main logistics hub between Europe, Asia and Africa, looking at its gegraphy. #PresidentElSisi' strategy will be working very well the coming decades
Kita Dhaliwal, afgelopen week is beëdigd tot advocaat door de Rechtbank Amsterdam! Kita is sinds mei 2023 bij Dutch advocaten actief
Len HuardAttorney-at-law
Bij Dutch advocaten vinden we het belangrijk om onze collega’s te ondersteunen in hun groei en ontwikkeling, en we zijn dan ook blij Kita te mogen begeleiden in deze volgende stap.
Een schurende musthave voor iedereen die zich (professioneel) bezig houdt/geeft om mensen aan die kant van de samenleving
Raphaël (RAAF) De KortDirector Sales & Concepts
Geschreven door ervaringsdeskundige Tim 's Jongers, uitgegeven door De Correspondent.
The Tribute - Battle of the Bands, elke zaterdagavond om 20:00 uur SBS6 "Remember this on "Lady Love"
Lou PrinceEntertainer
Saturday Night its the night of Lou Prince on SBS 6
Put It On visit of Erna Truijens | Sportspullenbank, Buddyhuis & and nominated for R"damfemale 2025
Erna TruijensEntrepreneur
Erna Truijens;
She is described as a woman who makes a lasting impact through her 'drive and strength'. In addition to her care for women with breast cancer, Truijens has been active in various women's networks for years. Her passion for social change led to the establishment of the Sportspullenbank, which is celebrating its five-year anniversary this year.
Wie wordt Rotterdamse Vrouw van het Jaar? Deze inspirerende vrouwen maken kans
Erna TruijensEntrepreneur
Truijens reageert: “Echt hartverwarmend dat iemand de moeite heeft genomen om mij voor te dragen.
Echt ongelooflijk leuk. In mijn categorie zitten alleen maar topvrouwen, dus het wordt nog moeilijk. Maar we gunnen het elkaar allemaal.
De solidariteit is extreem.”
We are through to the semi-finals next week, we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves!
Lou PrinceEntertainer
We are through to the semi-finals next week, we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves!
Did you also think the band played so well and the backing vocals were really beautiful?