All posts by Bob
De grote winnaar van de Duitse verkiezingen lijkt de AfD te worden met (tenminste) 20% van de stemmen. Als we Teletekst (en de andere mainstream media) mogen geloven is AfD radicaal-rechts, en dus is een vijfde van alle Duitsers kennelijk radicaal-rechts. Hmm vreemd. Laten we het erop houden dat het door de media gewenste 'midden' naar links is verschoven (of gekocht).

This shocking news was shared by well-known X user Mario Nawfal, who referred to a study by Il Fatto Quotidiano. It concerns a slush fund of no less than €132 million that ended up with media outlets in a roundabout way. According to Nawfal, the money was funneled to media outlets through a private advertising agency, Havas Media France. This happened without any form of transparency or public tender.

Good piece from the NOS about the new wind that President Donald Trump is blowing. I quote: '... the Europeans can do little more than issue joint statements stating that they continue to support Ukraine. It makes a powerless impression. The crystal clear American message that Ukraine can forget about NATO membership is also painful.

The year has just begun, and yet I nominate this documentary as the best of 2025. It is very well documented and convincing. A must see for everyone who cares about our future.

This is a Very Very Very Big One: President Donald Trump signs an executive order to declassify assassination files of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. On YouTube! Fasten your seatbells fooks.

He obviously suggests that this danger comes from Trump, Kennedy and Musk, but we now know that he himself and a number of powerful and wealthy parties were and still are the danger.

'Meta, owner of Instagram and Facebook, is ending its collaboration with independent experts in the US ... Those checks too often lead to censorship'.

Bob de Wit was a guest at the table at the last broadcast this year of De Wereld Is Vierkant, a program by blckbx news. It was one of my best performances at the table, I think, in one of the best broadcasts of De Wereld Is Vierkant. The topic was the significance of the recent US elections, and what we can expect as a result in the US and in Europe. I am very satisfied, what do you think?

A lot of hope and positive energy about the future society Society 4.0 in this conversation with Marc van Versendaal in his podcast series @The Marc My Words Show. Two positive and optimistic people in conversation, both in the conviction that together we can build a better society.

Let's take a step back from the day-to-day rhetoric. The history of mankind has been determined by a few percent of humanity who have realized (material and spiritual) progress and a few percent who have plunged humanity into war and destruction - the majority follow the spirit of the times. That is no different now.

The AI chatbots are owned by Big Tech such as @Microsoft and @Google who assume that they will remain in control of what is 'truth' in the AI era. The same as how they managed to control the 'truth' on search engines and social platforms: truth was simply for sale by the highest bidder. For example, pfiser paid them billions to determine what is "truth," according to the Twitter files. In short, this is all the information that increases their profitability. Whether it's about vaccinations, the climate, you name it.

In my book 'Society 4.0' (2021), I called global companies like BlackRock 'Corporate States', because they make laws and regulations just like 'Nation States', but in such a way that they are beneficial to them and not to citizens. How they do that can be read in this post and the attached @Indepen article.

Personal details
March 30, 1957
Erasmus School of Management, Erasmus University
Office name
Society 4.0
185 cm